How we keep COOL when it's HOT
It's hot.... but we know how to keep cool.
Get yourself down to the Geelong and The Bellarine and take the edge off.
We like to make sure the whole family stays cool. Take the pooches for a dip as well.
@twonaughtyaussies. Queenscliff
Some of the best waves you'll find. Time to bring out the board shorts.
@hillybarrison. 13th Beach
Wade through the shallows and see what you can discover along the way.
@misseni. Portarlington
Jump off a pier.. Safely of course
@rachelellenhare. Point Lonsdale
Go under the water. Snorkel and dive around our peninsula.
Drew Ryan. Point Lonsdale
Stay in door with air conditioning watching the boats at Royal Geelong Yacht Club
@royalgeelongyachtclub. Geelong
Spend time between Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads. Enjoy surf beaches and calm river waters.
@redstilletto. Barwon Heads
Ice creeeeeaaaaaam. Yum. All the flavours
@foodreviewaustralia. The Scandinavian Ice Cream Co. Queenscliff
Enjoy the calm waters of Portarlington for jet skiing. With views of the You Yangs to boot.
@tahlia._ Portarlington.
Ride a camel. Whaaaaat?
@festivalofsails. Geelong Waterfront
Check out more things to do in the Surf and Sand.